Private and charter schools should be places where students, staff, and administrators feel safe and where a quality education is ensured through the presence of experienced and knowledgeable teachers. Private and charter school background checks make it possible for you to staff your school with workers, educators, and administrators who are reliable and possess the education, skills, credentials, and other qualities necessary to work there. Background checks for private and charter school workers come in different forms. When you work with PSI Background Screening, we investigate and pursue the following:


  • Identity verification
  • Educational institutions attended by the job candidate
  • Graduation status, diplomas, degrees, credentials, certifications, recommendations, and awards
  • Job history at previous educational institutions
  • Criminal history or presence on sex offender lists
  • Records of substance abuse, DUIs, and similar considerations


Background checks for private and charter school staff simply make sense. Private and charter school jobs put teachers and other school personnel in regular contact with children and other personnel. Making sure you hire only trustworthy, experienced, and reputable individuals is a necessity. PSI Background Screening creates and conducts screening processes and private and charter school background checks that weed out undesirable job candidates and find the best and most reliable ones. When you employ efficient background screening, you save time and money, too. Ensure a richer selection of choices, conduct fewer interviews overall, and eliminate the extra expense and headache of dealing with and firing unsuitable new hires. We also offer private school volunteer background checks to screen individuals working short-term and volunteer jobs at your institution. Maintain safety for students, teachers, instructors, and administrators by making sure that only qualified and safe volunteers are allowed on school grounds.


Contact us about creating a background screening package that finds the ideal candidates, making your job and eventual hiring decision so much easier. Contact us today about arranging a consultation. We’ll discuss your best options for finding the most qualified people for your open positions. Call us today. We look forward to speaking with you and providing you with a great selection of reputable employees for your school or schools.

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