Disclosure and Authorization Template
It’s step one in the background screening process. Disclose your intent to conduct a background check and obtain authorization from the job applicant. It sounds simple enough, but litigation under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) related to disclosure and authorization has been on the rise in recent years. PSI offers templates to assist your company when crafting a background screening policy. As always, we recommend having template documents reviewed by an employment attorney before use.
Adverse Action Template Letter
The Adverse Action process is crucial when using background checks/consumer reports for employment-screening purposes. If you choose not to hire an individual due to information found in their consumer report, be sure to initiate the adverse action process, which takes two steps and requires a pre-adverse action notice, and a final adverse action notice. PSI provides template adverse action letters that can be customized for your company, but as always, we recommend having the templates reviewed by an employment attorney before use.
Pre-Adverse Action Template Letter
The Adverse Action process is crucial when using background checks/consumer reports for employment-screening purposes. If you choose not to hire an individual due to information found in their consumer report, be sure to initiate the adverse action process, which takes two steps and requires a pre-adverse action notice, and a final adverse action notice. PSI provides template adverse action letters that can be customized for your company, but as always, we recommend having the templates reviewed by an employment attorney before use.
What Is a Consumer Report?
You hear it in Human Resources all the time, but what does it mean to use a Consumer Report? This infographic explains what qualifies as a consumer report under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
What Job Applicants Should Know about Consumer Reports
Understanding how the background screening process works can prove challenging for job applicants, and it’s important that your company is transparent in your process. Share this infographic with your job applicants!
The Do’s and Dont’s of Background Screening
Don’t get caught in legal hot water. FCRA litigation continues to be on the rise, so be aware of some of the do’s and don’ts of using background checks by reviewing our infographic.
Why Should Employers Conduct Background Checks?
Take a look at some statistics about hiring in our infographic that explains why the use of background screening in the hiring process is on the rise.
FCRA Flow Chart
Compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Keep it simple and follow the steps in our FCRA Flow Chart infographic.
USCIS Form I-9
Get the latest version of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-9. PSI is a designated E-Verify Employer Agent with electronic I-9 capabilities and can also assist companies with E-Verify compliance.
Notice to User of Consumer Reports
This federal document should be reviewed by individuals who intend to use consumer reports to make an employment or credit decision, as it details the obligations of end users (such as employers) under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Remedying the Effects of Identity Theft
This document provides key information for job candidates and employees who are aware of or suspicious that their identity has been stolen.
FCRA Summary of Rights
The Summary of Rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act is an essential document for compliance and should be provided to job candidates and employees any time they are given a report copy. As an added convenience, PSI also includes a copy of these rights in every background investigation report.