Finding a good agency to help you manage your I-9 and E-Verify process can be a huge undertaking. You want to find a place that gives you proper protection and has the systems to properly manage your requirements. If you’re on the lookout for a good employee verification service, try using these tips for choosing an electronic I-9 solution agency to narrow it down.
Use Electronic I-9
The most obvious requirement you’re looking for is a company that uses a good electronic I-9 system. A good system will help you reduce human errors to help protect you from potential audits. This will help limit any potential fines you might accrue during an audit where mistakes are found.
Find Authorized E-Verify Compliance
Look for a company that has E-Verify compliance when searching for a good agency. Although this isn’t a legal requirement for every company, a lot of opportunities only come when you work with a company that uses E-Verify, such as government contracts. Additionally, many states mandate the use of E-Verify, depending on your company’s size.
Offer Audit Help
One of the biggest reasons to use an electronic I-9 solution agency is the help they offer around audits. By reducing errors in your records, you’ll avoid a lot of potential fines if you ever have an audit. That’s why you should look for I-9 verification services that extends that service and offers direct help—you can navigate an audit while avoiding as many mistakes as possible.
Look at Reviews
Lastly, the biggest thing you can do is look at reviews of the companies you’re considering. Reviews are one of the few things that help clients protect themselves from bad service. Look for reviews and only use a company that has reviews that you’re comfortable with. That way, you can get the service you want for your company.
These are the tips for choosing an electronic I-9 solution agency you must follow if you want to find the right service for you. By helping to manage your form I-9’s and opening doors to new opportunities with E-Verify, you’ll have a service that pays for itself.