Vaccines You May Need For Work
PSI Team | Uncategorized
Diseases are nothing to scoff at, as they can cause a whole host of problems. That’s just part of why you may want to vaccinate yourself, as many jobs also require certain vaccinations before they hire you. To help you know what vaccines to get, read this list of vaccines you may need for work.
Influenza is an annoying vaccine, as you need to get it yearly. Every year, thousands of people get the flu. As such, some places of work have started requiring that you have the vaccine to prevent the spread of influenza.
Hepatitis B
Several different Hepatitis B vaccines can change how many doses you need, but you should get one of them if you’re looking for a job. Some employers require this vaccine for their workers.
Anyone born after 1957 will need an MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella). You may need to get it multiple times, depending on your job.
Chicken Pox
Chicken pox is an odd one. If you have never had chicken pox, you’ll likely need to get a vaccine to help protect you from this contagious disease. Many jobs require that you do.
The tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough vaccine is a necessity for any adult looking for a job. You’ll need to get it every 10 years as well, which most jobs can track to ensure that you’re safe.
The HPV vaccine, or human papillomavirus, is something most younger people need before getting a job. If you are over the age of 27, you should talk to your doctor about getting the vaccine. Also, it usually takes a six-month period, so go for it well in advance.
This disease isn’t as bad for those without previous health conditions, but it can still affect you. It’s best to consult a doctor to determine if you should get the vaccine and then report it to your job.
The Covid-19 vaccine is the newest addition to this list of vaccines you’ll need for many jobs. A lot of jobs require that you have received this vaccine before they let people return to work or start hiring.
These are the vaccines that many jobs track using their immunization tracking systems. You should carefully consider each vaccine, as these are the vaccines you may need for work.